Our Team
We started in 2011 with a very small team, under the direction of Prof. Joan Martinez-Alier, and Leah Temper. In 2013, Daniela Del Bene joined the Coordination and Moderation team. Over the years, new members joined, and we progressively consolidated a Direction and Coordination Group (DCG) of five members and a large network of collaborators and advisors. In 2023, the DCG changed its name to Direction Board of the EJAtlas, which works as a collegial body for the technical, political, and scientific governance of the EJAtlas. It is composed of nine members, namely Joan Martinez-Alier, Leah Temper, Daniela Del Bene, Arnim Scheidel, Mariana Walter, Grettel Navas, Marcel Llavero-Pasquina, Eleonora Fanari, Roberto Cantoni, and Ksenija Hanaček. We are also extremely happy to have two new members joining this year - Sarah Eckstein and Layla van der Donk. Sarah will help with coordination, data moderation, and research, and Layla will be carrying out research in collaboration with Joan Martinez-Alier.
Many more people belong to the EJAtlas Collective, making it a wide network of researchers and activists working on or being involved in struggles for justice. They research cases, contribute to the database, provide support in data collection and fact-checking, liaise with local organisations, and propose projects and collaborations. It would be hard to list all of them, but you can find the profiles of some of them here below. Check out their expertise and area of work, and feel free to contact them.
Joan Martinez-Alier
Senior Researcher at the Institute of Environmental Science and Technology, Autonomous University of Barcelona (ICTA-UAB) and Professor of Economics and Economic History, UAB, 1976-2009. In 2016, he was awarded a European Research Council Advanced Grant for the project EnvJustice (A global environmental justice movement), 2016-21. He is a co-founder of the Global Atlas of Environmental Justice (EJAtlas). In 2020 he was awarded the Balzan prize, and in 2023 the Holberg prize.
Combining ecological economics, political ecology and industrial ecology, he is the author of Ecological Economics - energy, environment and society (1987), The Environmentalism of the Poor. A Study of Ecological Conflicts and Valuation (2002) and Land, Water, Air and Freedom: The Making of World Movements for Environmental Justice (2023).
Email: joanmartinezalier_at_gmail_dot_com
Daniela Del Bene
Daniela is a post-doctoral researcher in Political Ecology and Environmental Justice. She worked at the EJOLT, ACKnowl-EJ, and ERC ENVJUSTICE projects in ICTA-UAB. She was the coordinator and co-editor of the Global Environmental Justice Atlas from 2012 to 2022 and is now a member of the Direction Board of the EJAtlas. She holds a PhD from ICTA-UAB and a Msc in Anthropology from the University of Turin (Italy). In 2023, she has an affiliation with The New Institute Centre for Environmental Humanities (NICHE) and the Lab on Area Studies for Sustainability Transformations (LAST) at Ca’ Foscari University, Venice. Her main areas of research include conflicts related to large-scale renewable energy, hydroelectric dams and river management, socio-ecological transformations, and the quest for alternative community energy/energy democracy.
For more information, please refer to:
Email: d.delbene_at_gmail_dot_com
Mariana Walter
Dr. Mariana Walter is a Political Ecologist and Ecological Economist. Former researcher at the Institute of Environmental Science and Technology UAB), from 2024 she will be based at the Institut Barcelona Estudis Internacionals (IBEI, Ramon y Cajal Fellow). She is a member of the Direction and Coordination team of the EJAtlas and has coordinated collaborative research initiatives on the links between extractive conflicts and green and digital transition agendas. Her research on environmental justice movements and extractive conflicts has been published in journals such as Global Environmental Change, Science Advances, Geoforum, etc. She has edited with Iokiñe Rodriguez and Leah Temper the book: “Just transformations: grassroots struggles for alternative futures” published by Pluto press (2024).
More about her research:
Scopus author: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=36180618500
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.es/citations?user=CMMbNpkAAAAJ&hl=es
More information:
Twitter: @maru_walter
Email: [email protected]
Eleonora Fanari
Eleonora Fanari is a PhD scholar at the Institute of Environmental Science and Technology at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (ICTA-UAB). She is a member of the EJAtlas project, and collaborator of the LASEG group. Her main interest is on land and forest rights, the governance of biodiversity, and the political ecology of conservation, with a particular focus on India. Prior to her engagement at ICTA, Eleonora has extensively studied and worked in India on issues related to social exclusion, minorities and land rights, collaborating with no-profit groups such as Kalpavriksh and Rights and Resources Initiatives (RRI). She received her undergraduate degrees in Social Science from Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi, and a Master in International Relations from Cadiz University, Spain. She is an honorary member of the ICCA Consortium and a member of the IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA), and part of the Direction and Coordination Group of the Global Environmental Justice Atlas (EJAtlas). Her work is currently funded by LaCaixa Inphinit.
More about her research:
Twitter: @EleoFanari
Mail: [email protected]
Grettel Navas
Grettel Navas is Assistant Professor at the Department of Political Studies at the School of Government, University of Chile and Associate Lecturer of the interdisciplinary Master Degree in Planetary Health from the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC). Her fields of research are political ecology, toxic pollution, public policy and environmental health justice. She completed her PhD at the Institute of Environmental Science and Technology (ICTA), Autonomous University of Barcelona being part of the ENVJustice project where she also contributed as a postdoctoral researcher until the end of 2022. Grettel holds a Master Degree in Socio Environmental Studies (FLACSO- Ecuador) and a Bachelor Degree in International Relations (National University of Costa Rica). She is an active member of the Latin American Political Ecology Group (CLACSO-Abya Yala) and part of the Direction board of the Global Environmental Justice Atlas (EJAtlas).
Orcid code: 0000-0002-4727-8259
E-mail: [email protected]
More about her profile and research: https://portafolio-academico.uchile.cl/perfil/4249947-Grettel-Ver%C3%B3nica-Navas-Obando
Marcel Llavero-Pasquina
Marcel Llavero-Pasquina is a Postdoctoral Research Associate at ICTA-UAB who joined the EJAtlas team in February 2022. He holds a PhD in molecular biology from the University of Cambridge and has been active in climate justice organisations in Europe for the last 8 years. He has campaigned for fossil fuel divestment in the UK, for the end of coal with the Ende Gelände movement, and has participated in the UN climate summits COP21 and COP23. His current research interests include fossil fuel companies' activities impacts on populations and ecosystems around the world. He is also interested in the legacy of colonialism embodied by Big Oil companies which facilitate relationships of oppression by actors in core regions over already vulnerable communities in the world periphery through the global extraction, transport and concentration of energy.
Email: [email protected]
Arnim Scheidel
Arnim Scheidel is a Senior Researcher at the Institute of Environmental Science and Technology, Autonomous University of Barcelona (ICTA-UAB). He is a political ecologist and ecological economist with an interdisciplinary background. His current research focuses on global agrarian and environmental change, land grabbing, environmental conflicts, and environmental justice in the ecological transition. Arnim is part of the Direction and Coordination Group of the Global Environmental Justice Atlas (EJAtlas). He also serves as editor for the journal Sustainability Science, and is part of the international advisory board of the Journal of Peasant Studies and World Development. His work is funded by a a Ramón y Cajal fellowship awarded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.
For more information, please refer to:
X, formerly Twitter: @ArnimScheidel
Layla van der Donk
Layla is carrying out research in cooperation with Joan Martinez-Alier. Her academic background lies in Liberal Arts and Sciences, with a focus on environmental studies. She participated in the master’s program in Political Ecology, Degrowth and Environmental Justice at ICTA-UAB. She is an intern at the Debt Observatory in Globalization (ODG), a research and activism network working on climate justice, financial justice, and the commons. She is also a part of Degrowth in Action (DiA), a Barcelona-based action-oriented collective engaged in prefigurative post-growth practice. Her work is funded by the Holberg Prize 2023.
Email: [email protected]
Sarah Eckstein
Sarah is a political ecologist currently researching Big Oil and renewable energy related conflicts in collaboration with Marcel Llavero Pasquina. Having completed a masters in Political Ecology, Degrowth & Environmental Justice at ICTA-UAB, she now works at the EJAtlas as both a researcher and administrative coordinator. She has been involved in Glasgow Against Arms and Fossil Fuels & EndFossil divestment campaigns in Scotland and Cataluña, and has previous work and research experience in food sovereignty and urban mobility projects. Her work is funded by the Holberg Prize 2023.
Email: [email protected]
X, formerly Twitter: @SarahEckstein6
Ksenija Hanaček
Ksenija Hanaček (Ph.D.) is a political ecologist and a postdoctoral fellow at Institute of Environmental Science and Technology (ICTA), Autonomous University of Barcelona, and Global Development Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Helsinki. Her research focuses on environmental conflicts caused by extractive, industrial, and infrastructural projects in the Arctic region. Current research includes the Belt and Road Initiative expansion to the Arctic (“Polar Silk Road”), climate coloniality and green extractivism, nuclear supply chain and environmental justice struggles in post-Soviet spaces, and coal extraction conflicts in southwestern Siberia. She studies environmental conflicts through different theoretical focuses, such as extractivism, peripheralization, and colonialism.