Scientific publications
Llavero-Pasquina, M., & Martínez-Alier, J. (2024). The central role of environmental justice in corporate governance. In Elgar Encyclopedia of Corporate Governance (pp. 407-410). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Martínez-Alier, J., & Karmakar, G. (2024). Ecomodernity, decoloniality and environmental justice: Joan Martínez-Alier in conversation with Goutam Karmakar. The Journal of Peasant Studies, 1-12.
Neyra, R. (2024). Colonial Governance in the Mining Sector: Las Bambas’ RSC and the Conflicts with the Communities. Capitalism Nature Socialism, 1-20.
Hanaček, K., Tran, D., Landau, A., Sanz, T., Thiri, M. A., Navas, G., ... & Martinez-Alier, J. (2024). “We are protectors, not protestors”: global impacts of extractivism on human–nature bonds. Sustainability Science, 1-20.
Thiri, M.A. and Borsi, M.T. (2024) ‘From Fukushima to fossil fuels: Carbon emissions, climate narratives, and grassroots movements in Japan’s energy transition’, Energy Research & Social Science, 112, p. 103520. doi:10.1016/j.erss.2024.103520.
Llavero-Pasquina, M., Navas, G., Cantoni, R., Martínez-Alier, J. 2024. The political ecology of oil and gas corporations: TotalEnergies and post-colonial exploitation to concentrate energy in industrial economies, Energy Research & Social Science, Volume 109, ISSN 2214-6296,
Bowen Gu, 2024. Black gold and green BRI–A grounded analysis of Chinese investment in coal-fired power plants in Indonesia, The Extractive Industries and Society, Volume 17, ISSN 2214-790X,
Rodriguez I., Walter, M and Temper, L. (Eds), 2024. Just transformations: grassroots struggles for alternative futures. Pluto press.
Lele, S. Del Bene, D. Avci, D. Roa-Avendaño, T. Roy, B., Sahu, G. Harris, M. Moore, D. 2023. Values and knowledges in decision-making on environmentally disruptive infrastructure projects: insights from large dams and mines. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 64.
Bontempi, A. P. Venturi, D. Del Bene, A. Scheidel, Q. Zaldo-Aubanell, R. Maneja. 2023. Conflict and conservation: On the role of protected areas for environmental justice. Global Environmental Change.
Martinez-Alier J. 2023. Environmental conflicts and the making of world movements for environmental justice. Economia Politica. 40:765–779.
Neyra, R. 2023. Environmental conflicts and violence in Latin America. Experiences from Peru. Routledge Handbook of Latin America and the Environment.
Martinez-Alier J. 2023. The EJAtlas and the making of the world movement for environmental justice. A sociology of absences. The Tocqueville Review. 44(1).
Scheidel, A. A. Fernández-Llamazares. A Helen Bara, D. Del Bene, D. M. David-Chavez, E. Fanari, I Garba, K. Hanaček , Juan Liu, J. Martínez-Alier, G. Navas , V. Reyes-García, Brototi Roy, Leah Temper, May Aye Thiri , Dalena Tran, Mariana Walter, Kyle Powys Whyte . 2023. Global impacts of extractive and industrial development projects on Indigenous Peoples’ lifeways, lands, and rights. Science Advances.
Tran, Dalena . 2023. Gendered violence martyring Filipina environmental defenders. The Extractive Industries and Society. 13.
Tran, Dalena. 2023. Beyond women and men: how extractive projects perpetuate gendered violence against environmental defenders in Southeast Asia. J. of Peasant Studies.
Llavero-Pasquina, M. 2023. Neglecting the Marginalized: Corporate Valuation Discourses in Environmental Struggles. Perspectives on Global Development and Technology 21 (5-6).
Tran D. & Hanacek K. 2023. A global analysis of violence against women defenders in environmental conflicts. Nature Sustainability.
Bontempi, A., Del Bene D., De Felice, L.J., 2021. Counter-reporting sustainability from the bottom-up: the case of a dam builder. Journal of Business Ethics.
Avila, S., Deniau, Y., Sorman, A. H., & McCarthy, J. (2022). (Counter)mapping renewables: Space, justice, and politics of wind and solar power in Mexico. Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space(3), 1056-1085. 5,
Bisht, Arpita and J. Martinez-Alier. 2022. Coastal sand mining of heavy mineral sands: Contestations, resistance, and ecological distribution conflicts at HMS extraction frontiers across the world. J. of Industrial Ecology.
Sanz, Teresa & B. Rodriguez-Labajos, (2022). Arts, place, and sacrifice zones: restoration of damaged relational values in a Chilean sacrifice zone. Sustainability Science.
Scheidel, A.; Juan Liu, D. Del Bene, S. Mingorria & S. Villamayor-Tomas (2022) Ecologies of contention: how more-than-human natures shape contentious actions and politics, J. of Peasant Studies.
Conde, M. and M. Walter. 2022. “Knowledge Co-Production in Scientific and Activist Alliances: Unsettling Coloniality.” Engaging Science, Technology, and Society 8(1).
Tran, Dalena. 2022, Realities beyond reporting: Women environmental defenders in South Africa. Feminist Media Studies.
Navas, G,, D’Alisa, G., Martinez-Alier, J. 2022, The role of working-class communities and the slow violence of toxic pollution in environmental health conflicts: a global perspective. Global Environmental Change.
Navas, G. 2022, “If there’s no evidence, there’s no victim”. The role of scientific evidence and political organisation in marginalising women as victims of a toxic pesticide in Nicaragua. J. of Peasant Studies.
Bisht, A. 2021, Conceptualizing sand extractivism: Deconstructing an emerging resource frontier. Extractive Industries and Society.
Dell'Angelo, J., G. Navas, M. Witteman, G. D'Alisa., A. Scheidel, Leah Temper. 2021. Commons grabbing and agribusiness: Violence, resistance and social mobilization. Ecological Economics.
Begüm Ozkaynak, Beatriz Rodriguez-Labajos, Burçay Erus. 2021. Understanding activist perceptions of environmental justice success in mining resistance movements. Extractive Industries and Society.
Irmak Ertör, 2021. ‘We are the oceans, we are the people!’: fisher people’s struggles for blue justice, J. of Peasant Studies.
J.Martinez-Alier, 2021, Circularity, Entropy, Ecological Conflicts, LFFU. Local Environment.
Liu, Juan. 2021. Environment, Labour and Health: The Ecological-Social Debts of China’s Economic Development, in N. Räthzel, D. Stevis, D, Uzzell eds. Palgrave Handbook of Environmental Labour Studies.
Hanacek, K., M. Kröger, A. Scheidel, F. Rojas, J. Martinez-Alier. 2021. On thin ice. The Arctic commodity extraction frontier and environmental conflicts. Ecological Economics.
Hanacek, Ksenija and J. Martinez-Alier, 2021, Nuclear supply chain and environmental justice struggles in Soviet and Post-Soviet countries. Post-Communist Economies.
Roy, B., J Martinez-Alier. 2019. Environmental justice movements in India: an analysis of the multiple manifestations of violence. Ecology, Economy and Society–the INSEE Journal 2 (1), 77–92.
Walter, M., Lena Weber, Leah Temper. 2020. Learning and Teaching Through the Online Environmental Justice Atlas: From Empowering Activists to Motivating Students. New directions for Teaching and Learning. Wiley.
Temper, L. 2019, From boomerangs to minefields and catapults: dynamics of trans-local resistance to land-grabs. J. of Peasant Studies 46 (1), 188-216.
Temper, L. 2019. Blocking pipelines, unsettling environmental justice: from rights of nature to responsibility to territory, Local Environment 24 (2), 94-112.
Temper, L., S. Avila, D. Del Bene, J. Gobby, N. Kosoy, P. Le Billon, J. Martinez-Alier, P. Perkins, Brototi Roy, A. Scheidel, M. Walter. 2020. Movements shaping climate futures: A systematic mapping of protests against fossil fuel and low-carbon energy projects. Environmental Research Letters, 15 (2). 123004.
Scheidel, A., D. Del Bene, Juan Liu, G. Navas, S. Mingorría, F. Demaria, S. Avila, Brototi Roy, I. Ertör, L. Temper, J.Martínez-Alier 2020. Environmental conflicts and defenders: A global overview. Global Environmental Change, 63. 102104.
Saes, B.M., Bisht, A. 2020. Iron ore peripheries in the extractive boom: A comparison between mining conflicts in India and Brazil. Extractive Industries and Society 7(4), 1567-1578.
Walter, M. and L. Wagner, 2021, Mining struggles in Argentina. The keys to a successful story of mobilisation, Extractive Industries and Society.
Martinez-Alier, J. 2021. Mapping ecological distribution conflicts: The EJAtlas. Extractive industries and Society, 8(4).
Begüm Ozkaynak, Beatriz Rodriguez-Labajos, Burçay Erus. 2021. Understanding activist perceptions of environmental justice success in mining resistance movements. Extractive Industries and Society.
Tran, Dalena, 2021, A comparative study of women environmental defenders’ anti-violent success strategies, Geoforum, vol.126.
Tran, Dalena, J. Martinez-Alier, G. Navas, S. Mingorria. 2020. Gendered geographies of violence: a multiple case study analysis of murdered women environmental defenders. J. of Political Ecology 27 (1): 1189-1212.
Gobby, J., Temper, L., Burke, M., von Ellenrieder, N. 2021. Resistance as Governance: Transformative Strategies forged on the Frontlines of Extractivism in Canada. Extractive Industries and Society.
Temper, L., S. Avila, D. Del Bene, J. Gobby, N. Kosoy, P. Le Billon, J. Martinez-Alier, P. Perkins, Brototi Roy, A. Scheidel, M. Walter. 2020. Movements shaping climate futures: A systematic mapping of protests against fossil fuel and low-carbon energy projects. Environmental Research Letters, 15 (2). 123004.
Del Bene, D., Scheidel, A. & Temper, L. 2018. More dams, more violence? A global analysis on resistances and repression around conflictive dams through co-produced knowledge. Sustainability Science.
Špirić, J. (2018). Ecological distribution conflicts and sustainability: lessons from the post-socialist European semi-periphery. Sustainability Science, 13(3), 661-676.
Temper,L., F Demaria, A Scheidel, D Del Bene, J Martinez-Alier. 2018. The Global Environmental Justice Atlas (EJAtlas): ecological distribution conflicts as forces for sustainability. 2018. Sust. Science 13 (3), 573-584.
Scheidel, A., L Temper, F Demaria, J Martínez-Alier. 2018. Ecological distribution conflicts as forces for sustainability: an overview and conceptual framework. Sustainability science 13 (3), 585-598.
Avila, S. 2018. Environmental Justice and the expanding geography of wind power conflicts. Sustainability Science. 13 (3): 599-616.
Pérez-Rincón,M. J Vargas-Morales, Z Crespo-Marín. 2018. Trends in social metabolism and environmental conflicts in four Andean countries from 1970 to 2013. Sustainability Science 13 (3), 635-648.
Teran, E. 2018. Inside and beyond the Petro-State frontiers: geography of environmental conflicts in Venezuela’s Bolivarian Revolution. Sustainability Science 13(3).
Navas, G., Mingorria, S. & Aguilar, B. 2018. Violence in environmental conflicts: the need for a multidimensional approach. Sustain. Science.
Del Bene, D., Scheidel, A. & Temper, L. 2018. More dams, more violence? A global analysis on resistances and repression around conflictive dams through co-produced knowledge. Sustainability Science.
Temper, L., D. Del Bene, J Martinez-Alier, 2015. Mapping the frontiers and front lines of global environmental justice. J. of Political Ecology 22 (1), 255-278.
Rodríguez‐Labajos, B. J Martínez‐Alier. 2015. Political ecology of water conflicts. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water 2 (5), 537-558.
Latorre, S., K.N. Farrell, J. Martínez-Alier, 2015. The commodification of nature and socio-environmental resistance in Ecuador: An inventory of accumulation by dispossession cases, 1980-2013. Ecol. Economics 116: 58-69.
Martinez-Alier, J., I Anguelovski, P Bond, D Del Bene, F Demaria, J. F. Gerber, L. Greyl, W. Haas, H. Healy, V.M. Burgos, G. Ojo, M. F. Porto, L. Rijnhout, B. Rodríguez-Labajos, J. Spangenberg, L. Temper, R. Warlenius, I. Yánez. 2014. Between activism and science: grassroots concepts for sustainability coined by Environmental Justice Organizations. J. of Pol. Ecology 21 (1),19-60.